Monday, December 28, 2009

i am happily entering my 11th week :)

Week 11: Just plum cute!

Fetal development in pregnancy week 11 : fetus in third month

Maybe you've noticed… your baby is a super-duper grower! Your lil' fetus will be gaining a substantial amount of weight this week and has already achieved fruit-size-status comparable to a plum. What's more, your little scientist is already starting to explore their body, focusing most intently on touching their head, and especially their face and mouth (ngee sgt chumil). Their mouth in particular will provide them with hours of entertainment. This happens not only because your baby is gaining coordination, and is therefore able to move a hand on command, but also because their palms have gained sensation and can actually "feel" what it touches (so sweet).They're also developing their swallow reflex this week. And lastly, your baby's smelling and other olfactory senses will begin developing this week, which when combined with the maturing taste buds, will provide your baby with their first experiences of taste and smell.

And how's mom doing?

If you're still enduring the joys of morning sickness, it should finally be subsiding to the point of non-existence by the end of this week (alhamdulillah tak merase ape itu morning sickness). The growing placenta combined with your little one's developing pituitary gland have given you a break on hormone production, so now your can focus on the fact you're about to enter the second trimester of pregnancy, which can be most aptly characterized by lots of growth for both you and your little uterus-tenant.

At this point you should be making a conscious effort to gradually increase your consumption of healthy, vitamin-rich food, but remember: THIS DOES NOT MEAN LIFE IS NOW AN OPEN BUFFET (hehe yeah i knoww...). Think about it, if it's not good for you, then it won't do any good for your developing baby. If you're finding that you're still hungry after dinner, don't simply default to having extra ice cream for dessert. Have a second helping of vegetables and fish, or whole grain bread with jam. Good nutrition is absolutely vital for your baby's brain and body development.

Additionally, make sure you're taking "me-time" to center yourself and focus on your body's interactions with your baby: listen to relaxing or inspiring music, read good books, think happy thoughts, you know, all the mentally stimulating stuff that puts you in a good mood and makes your pregnancy feel like a positive experience. In other words, watching international news isn't recommended. The better you treat your body and emotions now, the healthier and happier your child will be once "they're on the outside."

Thursday, October 1, 2009

uh ini sgt sedapp.. saya mahu lagiii...

Mumble Jumble from Big Apple Donuts
sbelum ni sy takla suke sgt donut baik dr big apple or dunkin donut.. sekadar mkn 1 bolela, tp nk mkn byk2 dan rse suke sesangat tu tadela.. tp mumble jumble neh ... sgt sedap hokeh.. yummy2... ari ahad tu mkn 1 (sy beli box of 6 campur2), rse sedapp sgt smpai terbyg2 lagi mlmnye bile nak tido. hahaha...ari isnin dok pk2 nak beli tp tak baik membazir sbb kt umah ade lg 4 bijik yg blom mkn.. ari selase menahan lagi sbb ade lg 2 bijik kt umah (sgt lmbt nak abeskan okeh sbb mmg tak mampu nak mkn donut byk2 skaligus).. tp smlm mmg sgt tak tahan smpai sanggup pegi mesra mall dlu after keje wpon tgh ujan ribut.. hahaha... padahal kt umah ade lg sketul donut yg rsenye mmg ssh sgt nak abeskan sbb manis sgt.. so membeli la sy beberape ketul mumble jumble itu. siap special request buat baru tu sbb yg ade dh abes. dan2 trus mkn dlm kete, tak sabar2 nak tunggu blk umah.. huhu.. mmg fresh giler sbb baru dibuat... kerangupan jelas terase.. haha giler..

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Raya Potluck Party

from left : yan, me and kak as
harini my section ade buat makan2 sket. sementare tunggu majlis raya department dan jugak majlis raya PMO, kami start la dlu keje mkn2 kami. ehehe... bab mkn mmg tak putus2 bile dok pmo neh. maunye tak kembang.. (tgk gamba atas tu pon dh bole tau kot betape tembammnye sy skg!!)
haihh bilela leh start puase enam ni ye?

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

bebelang yang panjang di kala bosang...

Eheh mood bercakap teganu gaya melampau…

Nak updet psl ape ye.. cite weekend ek? Emmm.. Last weekend, saye blk
senai jumpe hubby. Slps 2 weekend die yg dtg cni, then my turn la plak
nak ke sane. Sian lak die penat asek nak ke sini. Kebetolan my sis in
law konvo kt UMT ari kamis, so bolela tumpang blk skali. Tak pyh nak
susah2 naik bas. Kebetolan lg, ari isnin cuti keputeraan sultan
Terengganu. Maka terus la saye mengambil cuti ari ahad utk
memanjangkan weekend tersebut. Hehe…

So ape aktiviti time blk johor? Tade ape sgt pon. Kebanyakan mase
berehat dan bersantai kt umah kot. Hehe takpela bg can hubby rehat.
Lagipon ari jumaat mlm dan sabtu pagi tuh kami pegi umah pak ngah die.
His cousin, nonoy nikah sabtu pagi tu. Ramai la dpt jumpe sedare mara
belah my FIL. Ade yg dh familiar sbb dtg kenduri kami kt teganu dlu.
Ade gak yg baru nak kenal. Then, selesai majlis akad nikah dan mkn2
tu, kami trus blk batu pahat lak ke kg my MIL. Ade jemputan kenduri
kawen gak. Heeee 1st time blk kg neh. Memang best la, betol2 cm
kampong yg tgk dlm tv tu. Hehehe… (saye pon dok kg gak tp mcm lain
sket style die. kg kt teganu ngan kg kt johor tak same kot). Mcm2 buah
kutip, pulasan, rambutan, cempedak… oh iya, klu nak tau, saye tak
penah la mkn buah pulasan sblom ni. Penah dgr name jek, rupe die pon
cm tak sure cmne. Kali pertame dpt mkn, mase kt umah pak ngah die
jumaat mlm tu. Hahhaa  ape laaa… tp kannn, bile dh mkn pulasan, saye
rse cm pulasan lg best jek dr rambutan. Heee ni yg berangan nak tanam
pokok pulasan kt teganu ni…

Oh iya… time kt kg tuh gak, dpt mkn nasik ambeng slps sekian lame tak
jumpe. Dlu time kt utm adela gak skali skale mkn… best2. Suke sambal
goreng die tuh… (eh iye ke namenye sambal goreng??)

Tak lame pon blk kg. lps magrib kami dh blk senai semula. Takpe, lain
kali leh blk kg lagik. Raye taun ni pon cm raye kt johor jek? Ermm…ade
org dh senyum2 smpai tlinge kot bace statement neh? Huhuhu…

Ape lg aktiviti ek? Oh, tgk harry porter kt U mall ahad mlm. Hehe U
mall ni mall yg baru jek bukak kt tmn u. senangla budak utm pasni nak
tgk wyg dekat jekk. Tayah cm kami2 dlu, smpai ke jb pegi tgk wyg. Tp
cm lg best tgk kt cs jek. Hehe.. org pon cm tak ramai sgt la kt U mall
tu. Kedai2 pon tak best. Nmpk cm mall lame padahal baru jek bukak… wyg
pon tak bape glemer. MBO.. 1st time dgr name tu. Hehe… cite harry
porter tu plak cm tak bape nak menarek jek berbanding yg dlu2. Ke
perasaan saye jek ek? Entah… slame ni pon tadela minat sgt harry
porter. Tp kannnn… klu nak tgk wyg skg, baik gi tgk ice age kpd sape2
yg belom tgk ice age. Sgt best okeh… 5 star ++!!!

Esoknye, isnin pagi, hubby pagi2 dh gerak ke utm sbb kelas kul 8. Bas
saye kul 10.20 pagi, naik kt kulai. Kenela ayah yg tlg anta. Naik bas
siang sgtla boring. Nak tido pon takleh. Mase bas benti kt machap,
terpakse membeli bahan bacaan yg boleh mengantukkan diri bile membace.
Hehe. Beli majalah keluarga cover wardina dan anak2nye. Uh sgt best
tgk wardina yg still cantik wpon dh anak tiga. Saye pon mahu jd hot
mama cmtulaaa :p (brangan2 smbil tgk gamba).. smpai kerteh kul 6 ptg.
Sgt slow bas nye... penat..

Errr pjg lak citenye. Smpai ade budak ofis ni tegur bile nmpk saye
menaip pjg2. Die igt saye tulis emel kt sape la agaknye. Kan saye
update tru emel (cara mengcover kt ofis di samping alasan blogger yg
diblock). Esok dh kamis, tp tak rse excited pon sbb tak jumpe hubby
minggu ni. Maybe saye blk ke KT. Tgk la cmne. Oh ye, esok section saye
buat pot luck utk mkn tgh ari. Saye kene bwk ayam goreng. Tp ade lak
permintaan supaya buat ayam msk merah. Tgk la mood mane yg nak buat pg
esok. Klu bgn pon dh lmbt, goreng ayam dh la kot. Tgkla ape yg jadik
esok. Risau tak jd satu ape jek. Hahha.. Nnt klu rajin saye updet..

Orait2 kene stop membebel… nak sambung keje lak. Daaaa….

Thursday, July 16, 2009


This is a very good article forwarded by a fren. Those who are still single may learn something from here... Those who are already married may take it as a guideline to improve your marriage...



During one of our seminars, a woman asked a common question. She said, "How do I know if I married the right person?" I noticed that there was a large man sitting next to her so I said, "It depends. Is that your husband?" In all seriousness, she answered "How do you know?"

Let me answer this question because the chances are good that it's weighing on your mind.

Here's the answer.
EVERY relationship has a cycle. In the beginning, you fell in love with your spouse. You anticipated their call, wanted their touch, and liked their idiosyncrasies.

Falling in love with your spouse wasn't hard. In fact, it was a completely natural and spontaneous experience. You didn't have to DO anything. That's why it's called "falling" in love... Because it's happening TO YOU.

People in love sometimes say, "I was swept of my feet." Think about the imagery of that __expression. It implies that you were just standing there; doing nothing, and then something came along and happened TO YOU.

Falling in love is easy. It's a passive and spontaneous experience. But after a few years of marriage, the euphoria of love fades. It's the natural cycle of EVERY relationship. Slowly but surely, phone calls become a bother (if they come at all), touch is not always welcome (when it happens), and your spouse's idiosyncrasies, instead of being cute, drive you nuts.

The symptoms of this stage vary with every relationship, but if you think about your marriage, you will notice a dramatic difference between the initial stage when you were in love and a much duller or even angry subsequent stage.

At this point, you and/or your spouse might start asking, "Did I marry the right person?" And as you and your spouse reflect on the euphoria of the love you once had, you may begin to desire that experience with someone else. This is when marriages breakdown. People blame their spouse for their unhappiness and look outside their marriage for fulfillment.

Extramarital fulfillment comes in all shapes and sizes. Infidelity is the most obvious. But sometimes people turn to work,a hobby, a friendship, excessive TV, or abusive substances.

But the answer to this dilemma does NOT lie outside your marriage. It lies within it. I'm not saying that you couldn't fall in love with someone else.

You could.

And TEMPORARILY you'd feel better. But you'd be in the same situation a few years later. Because (listen carefully to this):


SUSTAINING love is not a passive or spontaneous experience. It'll NEVER just happen to you. You can't "find" LASTING love. You have to "make" it day in and day out. That's why we have the __expression "the labor of love." Because it takes time, effort, and energy. And most importantly, it takes WISDOM. You have to know WHAT TO DO to make your marriage work.

Make no mistake about it. Love is NOT a mystery. There are specific things you can do (with or without your spouse) to succeed with your marriage.

Just as there are physical laws of the universe (such as gravity), there are also laws for relationships. Just as the right diet and exercise program makes you physically stronger, certain habits in your relationship WILL make your marriage stronger. It's a direct cause and effect. If you know and apply the laws, the results are predictable. .. you can "make" love.

Love in marriage is indeed a "decision"... Not just a feeling.

Remember this always:

"God determines who walks into your life. It is up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go."


utk org yg suke minum ais (macam saye)....

Serangan Jantung dan Amalan Minum Air Panas ....

Kepada sesiapa yang suka minum AIS, artikel ini sesuai untuk anda baca. Sememangnya sedap minum air berAIS selepas makan.

Walaubagaimanapun, AIS akan membekukan makanan berminyak yang baru kita makan. Ia akan memperlahankan penghadaman kita. Bila lemak-lemak ini terbentuk di dalam usus, ia akan menyempitkan banyak saluran dan lama kelamaan ia akan menyebabkan lemak berkumpul dan kita semakin gemuk dan menuju ke arah mendapat pelbagai PENYAKIT.
Jalan terbaik...adalah untuk minum sup panas atau air PANAS/suam selepas makan.

* Nota penting tentang SERANGAN JANTUNG!!!

Anda patut tahu bahawa bukan semua tanda-tanda serangan jantung akan mula terasa pada tangan sebelah kiri. Berhati-hati juga pada permulaan sakit sedikit-sedikit pada bahagian atas dada anda. Anda mungkin tidak akan mengalami sakit dada pada serangan pertama serangan jantung. Keletihan dan berpeluh adalah tanda-tanda biasa. Malah 60% penghidap SAKIT JANTUNG tidak bangun selepas tidur. Marilah kita berwaspada dan berhati-hati.
Lebih banyak kita tahu, lebih cerah peluang kita untuk terus hidup...

** ermmm.. sedapnye teh aisss... huhuhu :((

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday, July 13, 2009

rindulaaa.. mcm mane ye?

*percubaan mengupload byk2 gamba tru emel. mesti kuar sume kt atas ek? see...kan betol..
kt ofis blogger kene block. pc kt umah dh kong trus. mls nak repair dah kot. niat2 hati nak beli laptop baru tp tataula bile... so kt umah dh tak dptla nk bertenet. maka tak dptla nk merajinkan diri updet blog...
skg dh lps kul 5 pon. nk blk la jap lg. dok ofis lame2 pon takleh nak buat keje dh kot. huhu. em tp nak blk cpt2 bkn ade sape2 pon kt umah. smlm blk keje dijemput, arini drive sorg2 la. huuuu... mlm td anta hubby naik bas kt dungun. this weekend saye lak akan ke sane. weekend seterusnye? masih tak tahu lagi..
arini dh isnin... cptlaaa kamis muncul. huhu...

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

18 wonderful days.. and still counting

n i am very happy! :)
* to those yg dtg arituh, yg wish tru phone, sms, email etc... tengkiu sesangat. doakan kami bahagia eh?

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

9 days to go.. oh sy sgt cuak!

sekadar gambar hiasan..
tinggal 1 weekend je lg sy sebagai org single. huhu... mcm sgt byk mende tak ready lagi. dlm pale pikir mcm2. rse mcm mase yg ade sgt tak ckup dan sungguh pantas sekali. ooohhh adekah semua org yg nak kawen rse cmnih? ke sy jek yg suke merisaukan dr sndri?

Wednesday, May 20, 2009

ofis sudah ade ekon baru. dan sy sgt kesejukan!

Oh sgt bosan!! Arini ramai takde kt ofis. Membuat saye cm tade mood utk bekerja. Yan pon sudah start cuti kawen. Die nikah sabtu neh. Uh cuaknye sy menunggu hari2 yg mendatang. Slalu klu cuak psl ni leh share ngan die since die pon dlm situation yg same… takpe2… tabahkan hati. Harap semuanye berjalan dgn baik..

Kad jemputan utk org2 ofis sy lom bg2 lg. klu jumpe org2 pipeline jek, mesti tade soklan lain. “mane kad??” uhuhu… budak2 kt sekeliling sy neh rilek jek. Tp adela gak tye2 sket. Maybe sbb dh nmpk sy tiap2 ari. Dh tau sy tak start cuti lg…

Huhu sy sgt sejuk skg. This week ofis dh ade ekon baru after bertahun2 kepanasan. Dhla ekon baru neh psg btol2 atas kepale sy. Huhu beku dibuatnye. Nak slowkan, org lain bising ckp panas la, tak rse ekon la. Yela…die psg seketol ni jek utk cover area yg agak luas. Mane nk smpai semua. Bilela ekon yg centralized nak ok?

Monday, April 27, 2009

mencuba posting menggunakan email..

saye adalah sgt pressure 2,3 ari ni. tp segalanye dpt diatasi sedikit demi sdikit. yg tgl skg hanyalah pressure psl keje. itu adalah biase... yg penting perkare yg satu itu selamat semuanya. aminnn....

Monday, April 13, 2009

4 days @ tiong-a

me with nad @ tiong-a

just came back from tiong-a platform this morning. 4 days trip. sgt penat okeh...

apepon syukur alhamdulillah sbb selamat pulang. saya sebenarnye agak cuak juge naik chopper. tatau nape. oh sy lg suke naik kapatebang dr heli. huhu... dhla nk ckp tak dgr ape. bhse isyarat pon tak phm. bile org buat2 sign tgn nk ckp ng sy, sy angguk sahaja. terase sungguh mengong terangguk2 tade motif...

otw blk td, chopper divert ke angsi platform. igtkan nape la. dorg dh buat2 sign tgn ckp nk tgl sy kt sane. mcm ganti org la. hampeh btol. tak abes2 nk buli. ermm rupe2nye amik sorg crew kt angsi sbb anak die meninggal. innalillah.... bile tye2 mse smpai airport, arwah anak die tuh baru 2 bulan rupenye. sedihnyaa.. al-fatihah utk arwah anak beliau...

ptg td lwn ping-pong inter-dept. seperti yg dijangke, saya kalah. hehe. takpela, saje jek suke2. prektis pon idak,cmne nk menang kan... dhla semulajadi tak terer. hahaha..

okla, nk tido dh pon sebenanye ni. will updet later klu rajin :)

Monday, March 30, 2009

terima kasih cik surie...

masuk2 ofis pg ahad, nmpk emel dr cik surie. rupenye die anta gamba tunang sy (yg dh berzaman tuh) yg die dh edit2. huhu suprise sungguh. terharuuuu... katenye sbb bosan so die edit2 la. bagus tol. klu cmtu,selalu2 la bosankan diri anda ye cik surie.. leh edit2 gamba lg. hehe....
ni antare gamba yg diedit...

gamba sarung cincin...

gamba sy dan die lagiii.....

ni pulak hantaran dr encik sepol :)

ada lagik... tp ade satu ni yg buat sy nk tergelak...

sepi satu penantian?? haha jiwang pulak kwn sy neh... tp apepon thanks ye cik surie. nnt sy blanje nasik minyak. bole? hehe...

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Tolong!!! sape ade full version game neh?

saya sekarang adalah sgt addicted dgn game ini.

asek nak maen jek. wpon dok ulang2 level yg same sbb ade trial version jer. ntah pape kan? so kpd sape2 yg ade full version or unlock code tuh, sila la hulur2 kt sy ye...

sekian terima kasih..

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

pics updet...

malas nk menulis... tp just nk upload gamba jek. this is pics from the last trip to kl utk training. cite basi dh pon actually... tp since baru jek transfer gamba2 ni dr phone, tetibe semangat lak nak updet. eheh...

ini dlm bilik sy kt traders. ok la dok cni. dlu pon dh penah duduk. sbb rse cm ok, so dok cni lg la kali neh.

the room location was facing klcc.... just nice... :)

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


i'm writing from level 43, tower 1 klcc...

keadaan sungguh mengantokkan... membuatkan sy terpakse mencarik satu tempat yg membolehkan jari2 sy bergerak menaip, lalu terupdate la blog ini setelah sekian lama menjadik malas...

ari neh 2nd day training... try to pick up byk2, even kdg2 lost jugak. pastu sebok tanye jue kt seblah or lin ng talhar kt blakang... eheh... nak buat cmne, sap is quite new thing for me. belom byk lg ilmu. belom familiar lg. tp semangat neh nk capai expert user one day... insyaAllah...

utk trip kali neh, i choose to stay at traders. walaupon mase call nak booking dorg ckp dh full, tp degel gak nak duk situ, so try je walk in. luckily dpt gak... siap dpt garden view lg ngadap klcc. besh2... kunun2 nak dok traders sbb senang gi klcc nek shuttle, tp due2 ari terlepas lak. so kedek2 la jln kaki. best jugak jln pagi2, cuma tak tahan la pakai heels. petang smlm pon blk jln jugak. sejak bile tah shuttle service die setengah jam skali jek. dlu rse cm cepat sket. so bile dh terlepas tuh mmg mls nak tunggu next trip. so... exercise!!

ermm igt dtg kl neh sempatla mencarik barang2 utk hantaran. tp nmpknye mmg tak sempat gak la. esok dh nk blk. maybe kene carik 1 weekend utk dtg membeli. takpon tgu sale bln 3. eh tp ade ke sale bln 3? erm kad pon belum tempah..pelamin belom pilih, baju pon tak jumpe2 lg. hal2 kenduri pon tak clear lg, whether nk tempah katering or rewang sndri.. huhu penen2...

hoh takleh pk psl hal kawen skg. kang pale dh ke mana2, takleh kosentret kt org mengajar ni. so better focus skg. stop dlu. will continue later. daaa...